What was it like being a woman firefighter in the 1970s?

Bill Gabbert publishes my guest blog. Read here on Wildfire Today.

Recent comments via email:

 I enjoy hearing about women who were pioneers in career fields and other areas. Sounds like a story I want to hear.

I've read Linda's first chapter and hope to see more soon.  It is charming and funny - and alarming at times.

1 comment:

Steve Schumacher said...

I was visiting the Wildfire Today web site and came across the item "The experiences of a female wildland firefighter in the 1970s"

As I was skimming that article I noticed the author started about the same time and I did. As I read on “…accept a position in Alaska, …” I wondered if Linda was in Alaska the same time I was “…where I battled mosquitoes more than fires,..” Sure sounded like my summer in 1980 and wondered where she had worked “…and faced life-endangering events – not from fire – but from antics perpetuated by my lunatic boss.“ Hum that even sounds like Kenai.

So I came to this web site and started looking for info to see when and where Linda had worked. I scrolled through the photo gallery. And there at the bottom was a photo of the fire hall at Wildlwood and yep there was Linda's big smile and that red cruiser vest she wore. That summer I lived in an apartment across the street from the fire station.

That photo brought back many old memories and it stimulated some great conversations with my kids who are now the same age I was in 1980 and beginning their own adventures in life.

Steve Schumacher aka Smokey J Bear